Хан баба фото, Пакистанский Халк: разоблачение фальшивого монстра массы

Хан баба фото

At 18, he looked like a normal teenager. The first is the legendary Han Baba. Анекдоты Контакты Реклама Политика конфиденциальности. Долги по коммуналке приведут к аресту: как понять критическую точку. Публикация от Khan Baba khanbabahulk.

Такой вес и в самом деле не смог бы поднять и настоящий Халк! Диета у парня соответствующая: Хан Баба съедает 36 яиц, 4 курицы и 3 килограмма красного мяса. Запивает все это литрами молока.

Дмитрий Комаров встретился с паскистанским Халком - ЗНАЙ ЮА

В родном городе парень давно уже знаменитость. Пакистанский Халк собирается вроде как выходить на мировую рестлинг-арену, но пока оснований верить ему почти нет. Как нет и документальных доказательств супер-силы Хана Баба. Trendy Men — журнал о трендах: образ жизни, стиль, автомобили, техника, знаменитости. They call him the Pakistani Hulk. He is from the Pakistani city of Mardan.

He gained a large number of fans and became an Internet star due to his impressive size. Among the tricks that made him famous are: holding a moving tractor. Having grabbed the cable, he did not allow the car to move. All with just one hand. The same trick, demonstrated with the retention of two cars.

And still with one hand. However, these are not the greatest achievements of Arab Khizer Hayat. He recently told reporters in Pakistan that in , during a weightlifting competition held in Japan, he managed to lift 5, kilograms. Apparently, therefore, he declared himself the strongest man in the world, and also expressed a desire to go down in history as the modern Hercules.

Разоблачение пакистанского Халка - Хана Бабы. | Стенгазета | Дзен

Another amazing fact is that he is only 25 years old. Han Baba was born and raised in a wealthy family.

Khan Baba:World Weightlifting champion Khan Baba the Pakistani Hulk

I always eat well and only the best. Metamorphoses with the body began to appear from It began to grow and develop. Instead of worrying about the growing weight, he decided to gain even more by eating a high-calorie anti-diet. He claims to consume more than 10, calories a day, including 36 eggs for breakfast, four chickens, three kilograms of beef and five liters of milk. Khan claims that his massive weight of almost half a ton does not cause him any health problems.

But ordinary, domestic problems, he could not avoid. For example, it is very difficult for him with his dimensions to sit in an ordinary car as well as get out of it. And I dreamed one day to become as strong and nimble as his idols.

But as you can see with strength he oversold and agility is not enough. Hayat is a local celebrity in his native Mardan. Fans regularly visit his home to take pictures with him. Arbab Khizer Hayat is said to have been the strongest man in Pakistan.

Хан Баба – пакистанский Халк или великий обманщик?

Now compare facts with arguments. No one disputes that Han Baba looks quite intimidating. But there are serious doubts that he is a real weightlifter. First, he always wears these massive jumpsuits hiding his real body.

A bunch of clothes make him seem a lot bigger than he probably is. Honestly, some of the footage in the video shows how big his stomach is and almost no chest. In addition, in the video showing the struggle of Khan Baba with cars and a tractor there are many oddities. Most likely, the rope is not real, on the snap. Let me remind you that the world of wrestling is a thoughtful show with scripts.

Действительно ли рекордсмен: испытание для самого крупного человека Пакистана

Resling also professional wrestling is a type of staged action that combines athletic skills, martial arts and theatrical skill. Scenarios in wrestling develop during shows organized by various companies - promotions as a rule, each company has its own show and its own scripts. During staged fights, champions, contenders are determined, behind-the-scenes issues are solved. Wrestling is based on a combination of classical Greco-Roman wrestling and the so-called "catch" wrestling from which another name for wrestling is ketchup.

During the evolution of this type of fighting, attacking and power techniques, throws and new grips, as well as a variety of acrobatic maneuvers were added to wrestling. A lot of wrestling came from various martial arts.

«Хан баба» — создано в Шедевруме

Such a subject can be anything that the wrestler can use in his favor - chairs, tables, stairs, even championship belts. In each promotion, there is a different attitude to the use of this kind of "tool" - somewhere their use is strictly prescribed by the plot, and somewhere improvised objects are often used as an indispensable part of the plot. First of all, wrestling is entertainment. Each reception held during the match is agreed between the opponents in advance and prescribed in the script.

Thus, dangerous injuries are minimized. Previously, the theatrical basis of wrestling was hidden, but at the moment it is no secret that wrestling is a staged sport. But at the same time, all scenarios of a particular wrestling promotion are kept in strict secret and are disclosed publicly only during the show.

Чем самый тяжелый и большой мужчина Пакистана заслужил народную любовь

Keeping a secret is created in order to maintain interest and a sense of credibility of the action. Based as a secondary event during the carnivals in North America, wrestling gradually developed into something independent, in a separate genre of entertainment. In the course of time, the evolution of the genre took place, and now wrestling is one of the most popular world entertainment industries, bringing multimillion-dollar incomes to the owners of the most successful promotions.

Over its century and a half of existence, wrestling has experienced many ups and downs of its popularity. With the advent of television, wrestling received a kind of new breath, which allowed it to stand on a par with the most popular boxing at all times and develop its popularity through special shows - pay-per-view literally - "pay-per-view" - a type of distribution of shows in which the buyer gets access to watching the event, having previously paid for it.

PPV and to this day bring large revenues, and not only in the wrestling business - this type of distribution has adopted many other areas of entertainment. With wrestling everything is clear. Война россии против Украины Коронавирус в Украине и мире Новости дня. Подпишись на наш Viber: новости, юмор и развлечения!

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